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Showing 2,266-2,280 of 3,001 items.
Jun 01, 1997
DP 1997-01
Recently, marine fisheries are threatened by the current rate of overfishing, which if unabated may lead to the collapse of the fisheries sector. Past..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1996
PN 1996-04
While the government has taken tangible measures to address the urban water issues, there have not been adequate empirical analyses that can help in t..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1996
PN 1996-03
This paper presents a new vision and the proposed policy framework for financing local government’s basic services and development projects. This vi..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1996
PN 1996-02
To improve poor household’s access to housing, the government has provided subsidies to lower production costs and make housing units more affordabl..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1996
PN 1996-01
In recent years, the lower house has slashed on debt service and other expenditure items. Analysis indicates that from 1994 to 1996, tertiary educatio..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1996
PIDS Book 1996-03
This document is the result of collaborative efforts among various individuals and institutions to discuss the Manila action plan for APEC. Highlights..
Jun 01, 1996
PIDS Book 1996-02
This study has been commissioned by the UNICEF as part of its advocacy to promote the most responsive and cost-effective policy and financing o..
Jun 01, 1996
PIDS Book 1996-01
This is a companion volume to one that appeared in September last year under the same title. The first chapter presents an overview of the main findi..
Jun 01, 1996
PIDS Book 1995-02
This book comes at a most opportune time when the global community is faced with excellent opportunities for a freer world trade-a newfound open..
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-f
Modeling the relationship between population growth and migration, this paper shows that destinations with higher average household incomes attract ma..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-e
Some industries are relatively more harmful to the environment but industrialization has been a significant factor in Cebu’s environmental degradati..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-d
Mangroves are important fish hatcheries. It prevents coastal erosion and provides timber resources. However, it limits land access to coastal and fish..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-c
Fishing should be an employment of last resort. This article argues why through analysis of water quality and fisheries in conjunction to the role of ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-b
This article surveys existing forecasting models in the Philippines and discusses several promising alternatives in the process of developing a method..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1996
JPD 1996 Vol. XXIII No. 2-a
This paper describes the Philippine demographic situation with a focus on the findings from the 1990 Census and the recent intercensal period (1980-19..
Philippine Journal of Development

Showing 2,266-2,280 of 3,001 items.
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