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Showing 2,356-2,370 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-32
As suggested by vast literature, the Philippine economy has performed poorly over the last three decades due to deterioration in productivity. This pa..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-31
This study provides basic information on the status of Philippine health professionals that will serve as input for health manpower planning and for t..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-30
The Department of Health formulates and implements health care financing strategies. To aid the agency, this paper provides baseline figures on the pa..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-29
Philippine agriculture has performed poorly despite its performance being relatively better than other Asian countries. This paper argues that misguid..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-28
This paper analyzes the changes in the Philippine rice economy during the past three and a half decades and evaluates the policy options in light of t..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-27
Despite the major contribution of agricultural sector to the Philippine economy, it has been performing dismally since the 1980s. This has been attrib..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-26
Irrigation is a key element for increasing food productivity and self-sufficiency. In the light of severe fiscal problem, underdeveloped communication..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-25
One of the important weapons the government has used to alleviate poverty is its credit policy aimed to mitigate destitution among small farm househol..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-24
The Philippine economy has manifested signs of recovery due to various factors such as political and economic stabilization. Hence, inflows are expect..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-23
Regardless of the growth and rehabilitation of several financial institutions in the last decade, a large number of borrowers have not yet been served..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-22
The objectives of this study are to construct a profile of the medical instruments and equipment sector and to identify policy issues related to the a..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-21
Using full-information maximum likelihood on a cross-section sample of 65 hospitals from seven Philippine provinces, this paper jointly estimates a tw..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-20
From the first part of this paper, results from critical appraisal and description of economic impacts on health policy show that there is a limited e..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-19
This paper deals with the epidemiological trends and incidence of selected leading diseases in the country. Mortality rates and morbidity rates are in..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 1995
DP 1995-18
This paper investigates the existing health financing schemes of communities in region XI, particularly on the factors that enable them to set up a su..
Discussion Papers

Showing 2,356-2,370 of 2,993 items.
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