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Showing 2,941-2,955 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-10
This paper reports on the initial results of ESIA-WID’s endeavor to measure the impact of Cagayan Integrated Development Project by tracing its effe..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-09
Recognizing the necessity of good health in the attainment of personal and social welfare, the Panay Unified Services for Health Project exemplifies t..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-08
To achieve the objectives of agroforestry development projects, this study has identified several conditions such as input provision to agriculture an..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-07
This study is an integration and a synthesis of the preliminary papers previously presented for discussion during the workshops concerning the Micro C..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-06
Despite having the most highly developed educational system, the Philippine education has been beleaguered by ineffective management, outdated curricu..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-05
While it has been asserted that the greatest impact of the Agriculture Production Project (APP) should have been on milkfish productivity and producti..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-04
This paper attempts to evaluate the economic and social impact of a rural electrification project in Cagayan Valley. The assessment has been focused o..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-03
This study deals with transportation focusing on port development as an alternative route to deal with traffic problems. Results indicate that improve..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-02
The end of 1960s has witnessed many developing countries with high level of unemployment and inequitable distribution of income. Several strategies ha..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
ESIA-WID WP 1983-01
This paper analyzes the economic and social impact of tourism in Pagsanjan in which tourism development project is located. Results show that the proj..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1983
DRN 1983 Vol. I No. 4&5
As the focus of research has been slowly geared towards development, this DRN issue deals with population and its role on economic growth and p..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 1983
DRN 1983 Vol. I No. 2&3
This DRN issue focuses on the critical role of agriculture sector on the strategy for development. Studies included in this issue are particula..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 1983
DRN 1983 Vol. I No. 1
The recent move to allow larger peso depreciation has sparked a number of discussions on the state of Philippine economy. DRN’s first issue is devot..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 1982
WP 1982-02
This study of Philippine employment in the 1970s presents a review of the literature on the employment experience in the 1970s,which concentrates on t..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1982
WP 1982-01
About two-thirds of the Philippine population resides in the rural areas, earning an average family income of only half of their urban counterp..
Working Papers

Showing 2,941-2,955 of 2,993 items.
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