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Showing 1,411-1,425 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-25
The Philippines has used the BOT law, as amended to motivate private sector provision of infrastructure. Using examples from selected BOT projects in ..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-24
Changing the base year (1985) of Philippine GDP in constant prices could change the growth rate and the shares of components even when there is no cha..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-23
This paper reviews the current empirical literature on competition and market structure of Philippine industries. It shows that weak competition is on..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-22
In moving toward the East Asian vision of a community, a rational, enabling regime of rules of origin (ROOs) that would encourage deeper economic inte..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-21
The industry’s lack of competitiveness, absence of economies of scale and a weak supply base are the fundamental issues that must be addressed in or..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-20
This paper examines the economy-wide impacts of a Free Trade Area of the Asia Pacific (FTAAP) on the Philippine economy. In particular, it uses an app..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-19
With globalization and advances in information and communication technology (ICT) leading to growing international production sharing, amidst the incr..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-18
Striking a balance between trade facilitation and preventing trade deflection is the single most difficult challenge with regard to the issue of rules..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-17
In line with the commitment of the Philippine government to adopt the Millennium Declaration, there have been efforts geared toward the achievement of..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-16
The second goal of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is to achieve universal primary education. The target is to reach all the MDGs by 2015. Tre..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-15
In recognition of their substantial contribution to the economy both in terms of number of enterprises and workers, the Philippine government has put ..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-14
The economic reform process in the Philippines was accelerated in the 1980s and 1990s. The reforms were found to have yielded positive results in term..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-13
In the relatively new body of ideas dubbed “new economic geography” and “spatial economics,” we find insights on the potentials of industrial ..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-12
A country’s population consists of persons at different ages and stages of their economic lifecycle. Those in the population that are incurring life..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2008
DP 2008-11
Have age profiles of consumption and labor income in the Philippines changed from 1994 to 2002? What are the implications of the changes observed in t..
Discussion Papers

Showing 1,411-1,425 of 2,993 items.
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