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Showing 11,746-11,760 of 12,034 items.
What is the magnitude of borrower transaction costs? How does it affect borrower demand for and access to credit? What are the determinants of transac..
In its attempt to examine the transaction cost of banks, this study develops a method of estimating transaction cost for each bank activity. It also e..
The analysis of credit rationing in the context of the classical equilibrium model implies the existence of financial repression where interest rates ..
To understand the saving characteristics of households before appropriate polices can be formulated, this study examines the saving behavior of Filipi..
This paper addresses the interdependency of farm household decisions by quantifying a demand for credit that considers not only the household’s loan..
Institutional credit set up by the government may not necessarily be the major source of funds in the rural areas. In addition, there may be enough fu..
Do guarantee programs lead to additionality in agricultural lending? Do guarantee programs contribute to small loans? Do guarantee programs encourage ..
This paper provides a broad historical perspective against which to assess the 1989 program of government expenditures. Specifically, it reviews and q..
Given the need to review the investment incentives of the ASEAN countries, this paper quantifies the impact of the investment incentives on the profit..
Dealing with science and technology and economic development, this paper describes the relationship between technological capability and the degree of..
Based on the results of the simulations suggested by the PIDS-NEDA Philippine Annual Macroeconometric Model, this report analyzes the impact of the ex..
This paper integrates the major results of the various studies on urban informal credit markets (ICMs). While the terms of references cover a wide ran..
The crash of Wall Street on October 19, 1987, also called the “Black Monday”, has educed varied global reactions. In reviewing its general ..
In the continuing commitment of PIDS to research, this DRN issue features three research summaries on foreign trade barriers, public sector deficit an..
In general, the past experience of ASEAN seem to show that its failure in promoting the full potentials of economic integration among its memb..
Showing 11,746-11,760 of 12,034 items.