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Showing 12,046-12,060 of 12,109 items.
The research in this volume has been commissioned by the PIDS under the title “The Assessment of Integrated Mechanisms for Delivering Health and Rel..
This volume summarizes the objectives, major findings and policy recommendations of the completed PIDS research projects. By disseminating information..
The six papers in this volume (the second in the series) represent the continuing efforts of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies to highl..
Fertilizer policy has been a critical factor in agricultural growth in the Philippines, where land-man ratio is low and declining and technologi..
Credit has been a major instrument used in the pursuit of agricultural development in the Philippines. As a result of the Rural Bank Law enacted in t..
When market imperfections are present, which is often the case for the less developed countries, observable market prices do not usually indica..
Commercial banks comprise about two-thirds of the total financial resources of the country’s banking system. Utilizing samples of domestic co..
About two-thirds of the Philippine population resides in the rural areas, earning an average family income of only half of their urban counterp..
This study of Philippine employment in the 1970s presents a review of the literature on the employment experience in the 1970s,which concentrates on t..
This article assesses the impact of the ongoing tariff reform on effective protection rate (EPR) in the manufacturing sector given that the scheduled ..
The Philippines does not have a comparative advantage in the domestic production of fertilizer. This is one of the thoughts conveyed by the article as..
This paper estimates empirical demand functions for premium gasoline. Specifically, it determines the effectiveness of policies designed to conserve g..
This paper examines the methodology for computing the export price index used by the National Census and Statistics Office, evaluates this methodology..
Literacy is one of the core indicators utilized to measure social development. It is necessary that planners and policymakers be aided in their evalua..
Revenue, which is essentially obtained through the tax system, is an essential component of development to effectively meet the increasing demand for ..
Showing 12,046-12,060 of 12,109 items.