Housing finance - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 20 items.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Philippine Journal of Development. The first semester issue celebrates this milestone with articles on cri..
Philippine Journal of Development

Whenever I attend the inaugurations of our new social housing projects in Mindanao, I always find groups of children milling around as if wanting to j..
In the News

Last year marked the 25th year of the Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA). Enacted in 1992, the UDHA brought the hope of realizing a socially jus..
In the News

The CMP fund is accessed through community associations (CAs). In highly-urbanized cities like Metro Manila, the maximum loan that may be provided by ..
In the News

The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) has been touted by many quarters as the most innovative and responsive government housing program in the Philippi..
In the News

The government’s Community Mortgage Program may have neglected poor families, according to a study released by state-owned think-tank Philippine..
In the News

Despite being one of the most innovative government housing programs in the country, the Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is saddled by weaknesses, re..
Press Releases

The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a financing scheme that enables organized residents of slums to borrow funds for land purchase and housing dev..
Research Paper Series

The government established the Community Mortgage Program (CMP), which is administered by the Social Housing Finance Corporation (SHFC), to enable inf..
Policy Notes

With stricter risk management for banks and financial institutions and the need to address the housing gap of nearly three million units annually, str..
Policy Notes

The development of mortgage-backed securitization (MBS) in many developed countries started as a strategy to expand and facilitate housing finance to ..
Policy Notes

This paper draws lessons from international practices to determine the feasibility of developing mortgage-backed securitization (MBS) to expand housin..
Discussion Papers

In this update of housing subsidies in the Philippines and the fiscal costs of their application, the author delves into the issue of whether the subs..
Policy Notes

The enactment of two pro-poor housing legislations in the 1990s--the Urban Development and Housing Act (UDHA) of 1992 and the Comprehensive Shelter Fi..
Policy Notes

In recent years, a number of lending instruments have been introduced and tried out in the area of housing finance. In the Philippines, a group lendin..
Policy Notes
Showing 1-15 of 20 items.