Income distribution - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 25 items.

According to a PIDS study, the Philippine economy will remain challenged by a VUCAD world. This environment is shaped by global economic policies, geo..
Infographics - Buzzword Board

The PIDS Economic Policy Monitor 2023–2024 delves into the critical role of the middle class in driving economic growth, fostering social mobili..
Economic Policy Monitor

Kumusta, mga ka-PIDS! Narito na ang #PIDSFactFriday ngayong linggo, ukol sa pagtatatag ng malakas na middle class.
Ayon sa pag-aaral ng PID..
Infographics - Fact Friday

According to a PIDS study, the typical Filipino middle-class family (3-5 members) has an average monthly family income between PHP 21,194 and PHP 13..
Infographics - Buzzword Board

The Philippines is aiming to become a predominantly middle-class society, free of poverty, by 2040. However, this goal faces challenges due to global ..
Discussion Papers

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) received the 2023 Outstanding Book/Monograph (OBM) Award from the National Academy of Science ..
Press Releases

State think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) launched its newest book focusing on the country’s response to the COVID-19 pan..
Press Releases

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic hit the Philippine economy and society unprecedentedly. To protect the people, the government had to ..

Tariffication of quantitative restrictions on rice imports was a key policy reform of the Duterte administration. This study reviews recent trends in ..
Discussion Papers

Poverty vulnerability has been particularly recognized in the wake of the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that is likely to yield declines ..
Discussion Papers

This paper defines the middle-income class as those whose per capita incomes are within two- and twelve- times the (official) poverty line. Descriptiv..
Discussion Papers

The middle class plays a critical role in the development of a country. It is not only expected to create employment as business start-ups but also to..
Policy Notes

Trade liberalization--particularly tariff reduction, which is the focus of this paper--triggers changes in both sectoral price ratios and domestic-for..
Philippine Journal of Development

What's in store for us this year? Dr. Josef Yap provides us, in this issue, with yet another forecast for the year. He stresses, as he has done in eac..
Development Research News

Tariff reform, particularly tariff reduction, is one of the major economic reforms implemented in the last one and half decades in the Philippines. Th..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 25 items.