Impact - Matches
Showing 76-90 of 106 items.
Expenditures on agriculture have been rising over time, as expression of the state`s commitment to reduce poverty, raise rural incomes and household w..
Discussion Papers
The fruits and vegetables subsector shows great dynamism despite lack of government support compared to other subsectors within agriculture. To furthe..
Discussion Papers
This paper reviews the Philippine international labor migration management infrastructure using Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) framework. Thirty yea..
Discussion Papers
Drugs and medicines account for about half of the total medical out-of-pocket expenses of households. This share of drugs to total medical expenses is..
Discussion Papers
The recent global financial and economic crisis which started in the United States and expanded to other developed countries has, to some extent, affe..
Discussion Papers
Health care service in the country is designed to be delivered under a referral network. Traditionally, an ordinary citizen would go to a clinic or ba..
Development Research News
The 2008 global economic and financial crisis spawned a synchronized recession among industrialized countries leading to a contraction in world trade...
Discussion Papers
What has really been the extent of the effects of the 2008 global financial and economic crisis on the Philippines? How do they compare with the rest ..
Policy Notes
The purpose of the paper was to summarize studies identifying the causes and effects of Philippine international labor migration and remittances and t..
Discussion Papers
The study aims to assess the impact of rising prices of rice and fuel on poverty in the Philippines. In particular, the variations in the potential ef..
Discussion Papers
For the Philippines, quantitative policy analysis should incorporate regional differences in welfare and economic structure, which arise partly from g..
Discussion Papers
This paper reports on the impact evaluation study of the Rural Microenterprise Finance Project (RMFP) in the Philippines. RMFP aimed to support effort..
Discussion Papers
Coastal resources management (CRM) has flourished as a management approach for attaining a more sustainable form of economic development in the coasta..
Philippine Journal of Development
The study analyzed the perceptions of fishermen households of the long-term impact of Coastal Resources Management (CRM) using Panguil Bay in Mindanao..
Discussion Papers
To provide Filipino social scientists an opportunity to design their own methodology for the analysis of socioeconomic impacts of a spectrum of govern..
Philippine Journal of Development
Showing 76-90 of 106 items.