Economic/development modelling - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 25 items.

The paper examines the effect of an RP-US FTA in the Philippine agricultural sector. Using an Applied General Equilibrium (AGE) Model, it analyzes the..
Discussion Papers

Using panel data from about 1,500 farm households and estimating from a logit model, results show that agrarian reform has had a positive impact on fa..
Discussion Papers

This paper discusses the structure of the Philippine computable general equilibrium model (PCGEM). The model is a medium-sized CGE model of the Philip..
Discussion Papers

The basic framework of the PIDS Annual Macroeconometric Model is presented in this paper. After outlining the general philosophy of the model, the dis..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines undergoes a tariff reform program. After more than a decade of implementation, significant achievements have been attained in terms of..
Discussion Papers

There are three major developments in the area of foreign trade in 1990s: (a) the WTO-Uruguay Round agreement in 1995; (b) the AFTA agreement; and (c)..
Discussion Papers

This paper presents an update of the Population and Development Planning (PDP) model. The PDP model is an economic-demographic model designed to captu..
Discussion Papers

In this article, the author introduces APEX, the largest computable general equilibrium of the Philippine economy. It also discusses its signif..
Development Research News

This paper aims to broaden people’s knowledge in which the country’s official corn statistics are produced. It presents the estimation procedures ..
Philippine Journal of Development

Rural agents engage in interlocking market transactions to minimize costs due to underdevelopment of rural markets. This study aims to model the econo..
Philippine Journal of Development

Flexible Functional Form Estimates of Philippine Demand Elasticities for Nutrition Policy Simulation
Utilizing flexible functional forms as well as incorporating methods for treating zero observations in household survey data, this paper attempts to c..
Working Papers

This article summarizes the articles that have been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at UP Los Baños on Aug..
Philippine Journal of Development

This article has been presented at the Workshop on Methods for Agricultural Policy Analysis held at the UP Los Baños on August 13-14, 1985. Utilizing..
Philippine Journal of Development

The theory and practice of econometrics is concerned with the problem of measurement in economics. As a form of sophisticated abstraction, econ..
Development Research News

Focusing on Philippine export and import performance during the critical years of 1974-1982, this study presents the preliminary results of a d..
Staff Papers
Showing 1-15 of 25 items.