Economic recovery - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 19 items.

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), in collaboration with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP), will hold a public webinar title..

The strong recovery of the five crisis-affected countries of East Asia between 1999 and 2000 has revived the debate on the causes of the 1997 financia..
Discussion Papers

This paper discusses the performance of the Philippine economy as it recovers from the Asian financial crisis and the challenges the country faces in ..
Discussion Papers

This study reviews the economic policies and performance of the Philippine economy in the 1990s, briefly assesses the macro- and microeconomic impacts..
Discussion Papers

This study is a quantitative assessment of regional development performance in terms of economic growth and convergence (described simply as the minim..
Discussion Papers

Newly installed President Estrada is confronted by the same unenviable situation as his two predecessors. Former President Aquino has presided over an..
Discussion Papers

While the Philippines has enjoyed a sharp increase in non-trade financial inflows since 1980s, analysis shows that the experience is not unique, as it..
Discussion Papers

Analysis of pertinent data shows that Krugman’s warning about the serious repercussions of a number of disinflation methods is relevant for the Phil..
Discussion Papers

The reports included in this second issue of the Economic Outlook Series have been presented at the PIDS annual roundtable discussion. The papers con..
Economic Outlook Series

Once more, the Philippines has ended 1991 with a string of fortuitous events on top of its chronic economic and social problems. Despite all th..
Economic Outlook Series

Plagued by political instability, energy crisis and natural disasters, this paper attempts to forecast economic performance in the next two years. Aga..
Working Papers

To analyze the impact of the Gulf Crisis on the Philippine economy, this paper describes the current state of the economy and the energy policy of the..
Working Papers

This paper describes the nature of structural adjustments necessary for the economy to bounce back to life. This is accompanied by an analysis of the ..
Working Papers

In an attempt to provide sound analysis of how the current administration fared, this paper discusses not only the recent performance of the Philippin..
Working Papers
Showing 1-15 of 19 items.