Growth - Matches
Showing 196-201 of 201 items.
This paper discusses the New International Economic Order in the Asia-Pacific region. It argues that harnessing national growth and regionalism can yi..
Philippine Journal of Development
This paper describes the evolution of industrial policy and development in each of the ASEAN countries, indicating also the general thrusts of..
Monograph Series
About two-thirds of the Philippine population resides in the rural areas, earning an average family income of only half of their urban counterp..
Working Papers
Based on a study of sixteen specific manufacturing industries for the period 1958-1978, this paper examines the sources of industrial growth during th..
Working Papers
While research on Philippine urbanization and spatial development has been very useful, researches on these areas are highly fragmented. This paper pr..
Working Papers
Showing 196-201 of 201 items.