Irrigation - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 55 items.

Despite state ownership of water resources, significant gaps in water access persist due to fragmented governance. This Policy Note discusses the pros..
Policy Notes

#PIDSInfoBits: Alam niyo ba na 96% ng mga sistema ng irigasyon sa Pilipinas ay nakalaan para sa mga taniman ng palay?Base sa datos ng NIA noong 2015 h..
Infographics - InfoBits

A well-governed, properly targeted, and adequately funded irrigation development program is essential in achieving agricultural productivity, which is..
Press Releases

The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on July 21, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM via Zoom.
There will be ..

After years of relative neglect, irrigation has again emerged as the single largest budgetary outlay in government-funded agricultural programs after ..

The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the urgent need for a stronger agricultural sector. Thus, this first issue of the Development Research News (DRN) ..
Development Research News

An inclusive irrigation development program that involves stakeholders’ participation and their expertise and methodologies will be beneficial t..
Press Releases

The government should come up with a comprehensive and integrated approach to improve the country’s irrigation systems. Raul Montemayor, na..
Press Releases

PUBLICATIONSBOOK PIDS BOOK 2021-01: Revitalizing Philippine Irrigation: A Systems and Governance Assessment for the 21st Century by Philippine Institu..
PIDS Updates

The National Irrigation Administration (NIA) may need to reconfigure its functions and staff complement in line with the Free Irrigation Service ..
Press Releases

PUBLICATIONSRESEARCH PAPER SERIESRPS 2020-05: Assessment of the Free Irrigation Service Act
by Roehlano M. Briones, Roberto S. Clemente, Arlen..
PIDS Updates

This study is a preliminary assessment of the policy change brought by the Free Irrigation Service Act through an examination of secondary data and co..
Research Paper Series

This paper synthesizes the results and findings of the four component studies under the resurgent irrigation development assessment: the technical and..
Discussion Papers

Targets for irrigation development are “hardly met” despite massive increases in funding recently, according to a study published by state..
Press Releases
Showing 1-15 of 55 items.