Middle-income - Matches
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.
The Philippines is set to achieve upper middle-income status if it can sustain its growth trajectory and meet key targets through strategic investment..
Press Releases
PIDS Senior Research Fellow Dr. John Paolo Rivera will discuss the importance of lifting more Filipinos to middle-income status and the multipronged..
Photos - Media Engagements
This study uses simulation techniques to estimate the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on poverty rates and middle-class transitions in the ..
Philippine Journal of Development
This is the lead chapter of the 2023–2024 Economic Policy Monitor (EPM) of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies. It examines the eco..
Discussion Papers
This paper defines the middle-income class as those whose per capita incomes are within two- and twelve- times the (official) poverty line. Descriptiv..
Discussion Papers
While the Philippines has had a new economic growth trajectory in recent years, the country has had little progress in reducing poverty and in making ..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-6 of 6 items.