Participatory - Matches
Showing 1-14 of 14 items.

To familiarize everyone with key socioeconomic terms and concepts, we have this new social media series.
For this week, our buzzword is “calami..
Infographics - Buzzword Board

To familiarize everyone with key socioeconomic terms and concepts, we have this new social media series.
For this week, our buzzword is “disast..
Infographics - Buzzword Board

This study documents the application of participatory governance for social housing in the Philippines through the local housing boards (LHBs), which ..
Philippine Journal of Development

Republic Act (RA) 10121, or the Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) Act of 2010, has led to the passing of complementary legislation ..
Discussion Papers

The country's irrigation systems have had a long history of recovering maintenance cost from farmers. The Free Irrigation Service Act (FISA) of 2018 w..
Discussion Papers

This study examines the effectiveness of the Local Housing Board (LHB) as a platform for participatory governance in the delivery of public housing in..
Discussion Papers

Bottom-up budgeting (BUB) is a government program that is envisioned to institutionalize and incentivize grassroots participation in local planning an..
Discussion Papers

Bottom-up budgeting (BUB) is a mechanism implemented to institutionalize and incentivize grassroots participation, as represented by civil society org..
Discussion Papers

Bottom-up budgeting (BUB) is a mechanism implemented to institutionalize and incentivize grassroots participation, as represented by civil society org..
Discussion Papers

As part of the government's effort to pursue sustained and inclusive growth and, at the same time, promote good governance at the local level, the Bot..
Economic Issue of the Day

The Aquino administration through the Human Development and Poverty Reduction Cluster (HDPRC) and Good Governance and Anti-Corruption Cluster (GGACC) ..
Discussion Papers

This paper is a narrative account and assessment of the grassroots participatory budgeting (GPB) process in three municipalities of the Negros Provinc..
Discussion Papers

Bottom-up budgeting (BUB) is an adaptation of the participatory budgeting model in identifying and providing solutions to poverty at the municipal/cit..
Discussion Papers

This paper aims to showcase the experience of the Magat watershed in the implementation of the watershed management approach. Magat watershed was decl..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-14 of 14 items.