Diokno-Sicat, Charlotte Justine - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 22 items.

Two recent key events have advanced the country’s decentralization agenda. In 2019, the Mandanas-Garcia Supreme Court (Mandanas) ruling expanded..
Research Paper Series

Two key recent events pushed forward the country’s decentralization agenda. In 2019, the Mandanas-Garcia Supreme Court (“Mandanas”) ..
Discussion Papers

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and lockdown measures taken to control its spread brought economies to a halt, turning the public hea..
Discussion Papers

The Philippine government’s debt-to-gross domestic product (GDP) ballooned from 39.6 percent in 2019 to 54.5 percent in 2020 and 60.5 percent in..
Policy Notes

The Public Management Development Program (PMDP), the National Government Career Executive Service Development Program, was revitalized in 2012 throug..
Discussion Papers

The 2023 Philippine national budget was drafted on the eve of the election of a new president. While aiming to sustain the recovery from the effects o..
Discussion Papers

This paper examines whether the current level of debt in the country, given the national government’s fiscal policy and plans, remains on a sust..
Discussion Papers

The Philippine government provides conditional grants to local government units (LGUs) for certain priorities, such as budgetary allocations from nati..
Philippine Journal of Development

This study examines the fiscal implications of the current criteria of establishing the fiscal viability of local governments in the Philippines. Sinc..
Discussion Papers

This paper presents the current water access in the Philippines and reviews the mandates of the two main water regulatory bodies: the Local Water Util..
Philippine Journal of Development

Executive Order No. 27 Series of 2017 mandated all government agencies and instrumentalities, including all local government units (LGUs), to implemen..
Discussion Papers

Improving water supply and sanitation is essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal of ensuring availability and sustainable management of ..
Policy Notes

In a developing country such as the Philippines, social protection is crucial in providing support to the poor and vulnerable. There has been recent p..
Research Paper Series

Philippine local governments were given increased autonomy, revenue-raising and expenditure responsibilities under the Local Government Code of 1991 (..
Discussion Papers

This study tries to answer the question, "How can local government units provide efficient and sufficient water supply for its current and future popu..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 22 items.