Manasan, Rosario G. - Matches
Showing 91-105 of 144 items.
Governance is a complex concept. It includes the state’s institutions and structures, its decisionmaking process, its capacity to implement guid..
Philippine Journal of Development
Utilizing recently collected data, this article looks into the effects of the crisis on Philippine households and firms. While the general conc..
Development Research News
Just as urbanization has its advantages, it also has a number of problems like pollution, insufficient sanitation facility and inadequate provision of..
Discussion Papers
Evidences from the recent Philippine fiscal position indicate severe constraint in the government’s option to support economic recovery, sustainable..
Discussion Papers
Associated with the country’s drive to become more modern and competitive global economy is the emergence of metropolises, which is defined in theor..
Discussion Papers
From the provision of the Local Government Code, various LGUs have provided the housing requirements of the less-privileged sectors. This paper presen..
Discussion Papers
The formation of metropolitan arrangements has recently become the trend. As these are still in the early stage of developing their identity, this not..
Policy Notes
The passage of the local Government Code of 1991 has heralded a new era in local government credit financing. The Code has liberalized the credit pol..
Via regression analysis, this study is able to establish factors that impinge on per capita social sector expenditures. In addition, 32 out of the 62 ..
Discussion Papers
Assessment of trade reforms in the 1990s suggests achievement of considerable progress in tariff simplification and improvement in international compe..
Discussion Papers
This issue evaluates the two proposed version of the Income Tax Bill in terms of revenue generation, economic efficiency and equity. It also attempts ..
Policy Notes
As part of the DRN’s effort in providing information on tariffs, this article has been presented during a Pulong Saliksikan and is a conden..
Development Research News
The devolution of functions and responsibilities to LGUs has translated to the expectations of an improved delivery of public goods and services. Howe..
Discussion Papers
In recent years, the lower house has slashed on debt service and other expenditure items. Analysis indicates that from 1994 to 1996, tertiary educatio..
Policy Notes
This study has been commissioned by the UNICEF as part of its advocacy to promote the most responsive and cost-effective policy and financing o..
Showing 91-105 of 144 items.