ACIAR Project Research Team - Matches
Showing 1-10 of 10 items.

This handbook is intended to assist agricultural extension workers in the Philippines in their efforts to collaborate with farmers so that the latter ..
Special Publications

Bridging the Gap between Seasonal Climate Forecasts and Decisionmakers in Agriculture: Project Folio
This publication is a compilation of information and research materials on seasonal climate forecast (SCF) produced under the project Bridging the Gap..
Special Publications

When can the country`s meteorological agency announce that an El Nino or a La Nina event is occurring or will take place? How does it identify the ele..
Economic Issue of the Day

A major cause of the climatic catastrophes being experienced in the country, and in other parts of the world, is the El Niño southern oscillation (EN..
Development Research News

This issue focuses on the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. It describes the conditions surrounding the phenomenon, explaining the circ..
Economic Issue of the Day

This issue sets to give the readers a deeper understanding of Philippine climatology by defining the concepts of weather and climate. It discusses the..
Economic Issue of the Day

Provision of weather or climate forecasts is important because it enables policy/decisionmakers to implement alternative courses of action to mitigate..
Development Research News

The term tropical cyclone is called hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean, cyclone over the Indian Ocean and typhoon over the Pacific Ocean which includes..
Economic Issue of the Day

The term tropical cyclone is called hurricane over the Atlantic Ocean, cyclone over the Indian Ocean and typhoon over the Pacific Ocean which includes..
Economic Issue of the Day

This is the inaugural issue of the SCF Project Updates, the official semestral newsletter of the project "Bridging the gap between between seasonal cl..
Development Research News
Showing 1-10 of 10 items.