Aldaba, Rafaelita M. - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 67 items.

The Philippines has been more cautious in its policy toward free trade agreements (FTAs) than other ASEAN member-states, having signed, so far, only o..
Discussion Papers

The experience of the Philippines shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) spillover effects are not automatically generated. Opening up the economy..
Philippine Journal of Development

As the Philippines move toward the legislation of its comprehensive competition law, one important issue that has emerged is the interaction between t..
Discussion Papers

The ASEAN SME Policy Index is an analytical tool to review, track, and identify gaps in small and medium enterprise (SME) policy development and imple..
Discussion Papers

In the light of the weak performance of the Philippine manufacturing industry and the absence of structural transformation of the economy from agricul..
Discussion Papers

This special volume of the Philippine Journal of Development (PJD) is devoted to discussions and analyses of issues on the ASEAN Economic Community (A..
Philippine Journal of Development

The paper aims to identify the facilitating and deterring factors affecting the implementation of the ASEAN mutual recognition arrangements (MRAs) in ..
Philippine Journal of Development

The paper aims to assess and determine the capacity-building needs required to liberalize trade in services in the Philippines. Through the ASEAN Fram..
Philippine Journal of Development

This paper evaluates the implementation of the 2010—2015 ASEAN Strategic Action Plan for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Development and the 2004..
Philippine Journal of Development

The paper examines the state of investment liberalization and facilitation in the Philippines and suggests policy measures to enable the country to co..
Philippine Journal of Development

The 2009 Survey of Innovation Activities (SIA), the Philippines` pilot survey on innovation and an outcome of the national innovation strategy called ..

This third issue of the PIDS Economic Policy Monitor (EPM) focuses on regional economic integration and inclusive growth. With the approaching ASEAN E..
Economic Policy Monitor

The automotive industry is a highly competitive and technology-intensive industry. It requires large economies of scale and high degree of specializat..
Policy Notes

The paper aims to examine how trade liberalization affects wage premium at the firm level. Using effective protection rate as trade proxy, the paper a..
Discussion Papers

The paper aims to review our trade liberalization policy and its contribution to the country`s industrial growth and performance. After more than twen..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 67 items.