The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on June 23, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM via Zoom.
This virtual event will feature two PIDS studies on the quality of health care and nutrition in the country. Assessing healthcare quality in the Philippines is crucial as the country embarks on its Universal Health Care reforms. Titled “Assessment of the Service Capability and Readiness of Philippines Hospitals to Provide High-Quality Health Care” the first study authored by PIDS Senior Research Fellow Valerie Gilbert Ulep, Supervising Research Specialist Jhanna Uy, Research Analyst Lyle Daryll Casas, and Consultant Christian Edward Nuevo examined the management practices and service capacity and readiness of Philippine hospitals, both of which are structural measures of healthcare quality. Using a validated self-administered online questionnaire, the study collected a wide range of data on hospital management and service delivery from selected public and private hospitals. Findings revealed the longstanding challenges in hospital management and their limitations to provide even the most rudimentary components of medical care—diagnostics and drugs. The study also provided recommendations revolving on the systemic collection of healthcare quality indicators and the use of incentives and grants to facilitate collection, measurement, and submission of data from facilities.
The second study, “An Assessment of the Quality of Inpatient Meals and Nutrition and Dietetics Processes in Select Public Hospitals in the Philippines”, was authored by Mr. Casas, Ms. Uy, and Dr. Ulep. It provided a case study on one of the hospital processes—the quality of hospital nutrition. Specifically, the paper looked at whether Philippine public hospitals deliver high-quality, nutritionally-appropriate meals to inpatients, adhere to the minimum meal allowance budget, and follow the minimal nutrition and dietetics service (NDS) inputs and process standards. Apart from the unmet minimum meal allowance budget and nutritional content, the study found concerns related to human resources, equipment, management functions, and other NDS processes that could have an impact on the quality of nutrition care delivered. The paper suggested looking at NDS as a whole, rather than just increasing the minimum meal allowance budget. It also urged the Department of Health to guarantee that the value of high-quality nutrition care is recognized in hospitals.
Download the e-copies of the studies from these links: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsdps2132.pdf and https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsdps2130.pdf.
Register via: https://bit.ly/pidswebinarhealthandnutrition. The meeting link will be automatically sent to the registered email address.
Presentation of Dr. Valerie Gilbert Ulep, Senior Research Fellow and Mr. Lyle Daryll Casas, Research Analyst, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Reaction of Dr. Terence John M. Antonio, OIC-Division Chief, Policy, Planning and Program Development Division, Health Facility Development Bureau, Department of Health
The recording of this webinar may be viewed at https://fb.watch/dPYjj3qz-P/