The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on April 21, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM via Cisco Webex.
This virtual event will feature the PIDS study “Modern Biotechnology Application and Regulation in the Philippines: Issues and Prospects” authored by PIDS Senior Research Fellow Sonny N. Domingo and Research Specialist Arvie Joy A. Manejar. The benefits of modern crop biotechnology encouraged the development and adoption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and related products, fostering global market dynamism. This study reviewed the enabling regulatory structures for modern biotechnology in the Philippines to determine entry points for augmentation. An economic surplus analysis of GMO eggplant was also carried out as case study to estimate welfare benefits and potential opportunity costs for both consumers and local growers. Results showed that across simulations, even with the most conservative adoption delays due to regulatory lags, viable figures were still obtained with the lowest internal rate of return at 20 percent. The study urged the government to make modern biotechnology an option for both farmers and consumers in the most prudent but expedient way possible. It also recommended reducing the huge opportunity losses from defective and inefficient regulations.
A copy of the study may be downloaded from this link: https://pidswebs.pids.gov.ph/CDN/PUBLICATIONS/pidsdps2145.pdf.
Modern Biotechnology Application and Regulation in the Philippines: Issues and Prospects presented by Dr. Sonny Domingo, Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies and Ms. Arvie Joy Manejar, Research Specialist, Philippine Instittue for Development Studies
Reaction of Dr. Eufemio Rasco Jr., Academician, National Academy of Science and Technology
The recording of this webinar may be viewed at https://fb.watch/cwSaoRtYFg/.