A PIDS study found that from the mid-70s, more females than males in the Philippines were completing college education. This could be attributed to a number of factors, such as the pressure on boys particularly those in rural and agricultural areas to drop out of school to help their parents earn the needed income, the parents’ reliance on their daughters to study conscientiously, keep stable jobs, and provide more consistent support in their old age, and the growth of job opportunities for women. The study recommends improving the educational status of males at a faster rate. It also highlights that raising the academic performance of one gender group should not be at the expense of the other gender category.
Know more about the study titled “Gender Equity in Education: Helping the Boys Catch Up” here:https://www.pids.gov.ph/ publications/6807
Know more about the study titled “Gender Equity in Education: Helping the Boys Catch Up” here:https://www.pids.gov.ph/
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