THE 2030 Global Agenda's main commitment is to ensure that no citizen is left behind. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is helping eradicate poverty at the lower level. Participating agencies are the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) and the United Nations Development Programs (UNDP).
The issue was discussed in a forum of all these agencies. As the economy continues to grow, they are working on lessening the gap between the rich and the poor. The top wealthy citizens must be exclusive by siphoning the gains of their wealth to the upper and middle groups down to the very poor. All these sectors are to cooperate and respond to the needs of all sectors down to the very poor. The reign of the oligarchs must end.
On the field of education, General Santos City will have a first provincial branch of University of Santo Tomas (UST), my Alma Mater. The groundbreaking was on April 20, 2016 at Purok 9.
The US Embassy in the Philippines is funding a project on Training Courses on Heritage Conservation. It will give a 1,273 million pesos grant. The course participants are tasked to list down all the places where Cultural Sites, buildings, homes, roads, and places with cultural aspects. The place chosen is Iloilo City. The 27 participating students will explore places all over the country. The city and provincial governments, heritage councils, academic, civic organizations, institutions, and dioceses. The planning body will correlate all aspects of the work namely extent, legends, architectural aspects. Ancestral houses, public and commercial buildings are includes.
A study of the in-demand jobs became necessary to stop the underemployed white collar workers or worse, the unemployed even after getting a degree which does not fit into the demands. There should be a well-organized information bureau for all graduating high school students. Another problem came up with the K to 12 graduates. They cannot be employed due to lack of specialization for jobs on demand.
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) in every region must converge with the Academe and other private companies to know the in- demand jobs. They can get information from Ched, Tesda, and DTI. Tesda has always a long list of wanted graduates to work here and abroad. Make use of the listings of these three and for sure no one will have the problem of having no job for their livelihood.
The Australian government donated a new school building with two classrooms for SPED. It is equipped with all the needs for persons with disabilities. This is built in Maguindanao. The classrooms have ramps for those who cannot use stairs, sufficient lights, comfort rooms, arm chairs, blackboards, and ceiling electric fans. The SPED students get instructions on Health, Education, Environment, Livelihood, and Enterprise Development. It is heartwarming to see students helping one another in any way possible. What capacity one possesses is shared with one who does not have it.
The implementing rules and guidelines is provided for child-minding service for young kids whose parents have to work. The caregiver centers may be in homes with generous volunteers. Kids up to 4 years old are served for their health, nutrition, early education, and social dealings. This results in the holistic needs of he kids. Every Barangay has a code to follow in rearing the kids whose parents are working outside their home to get money for their sustenance.
All the incentives which I mentioned here are surely contributing to the betterment of our society. For comments text mobile no.09202112534.

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