NEDA Regional Office (NRO) in MIMAROPA conducted an orientation-workshop on policy research writing held on December 14, through Zoom video teleconference participated in by its technical and non-technical staff.

The half-day activity aimed to orient the staff in preparing and drafting a policy research paper and provide guidance on how to select development topics and sectoral concerns in crafting policy researches or studies.

“This orientation-workshop will enhance our capacity for a well-prepared policy researches or studies that would address sectoral and multi-sectoral issues and concerns being discussed in the Regional Development Council,” said Regional Director (RD) Agustin C. Mendoza in his opening message.

​​​​​​​Dr. Aubrey D. Tabuga, a senior research fellow of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies, discussed the policy process, conduct of policy research, research steps, and policy research writing outline. She also provided guidance on the research topics that were identified by the NRO staff which may be pursued as their research studies in the future.

In his closing message, OIC ARD  Bernardino A. Atienza, Jr. encouraged the staff to continue honing the skills they have learned and utilize appropriate tools and strategies in conducting researches. “I hope this orientation-workshop has heightened our confidence and awakened our desires to produce reports and researches that include clear, precise, and evidence-based findings and recommendations,” said Atienza.

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