Local government units (LGUs) should invest more in efforts that make communities better equipped to face disasters and climate change, according to an urban planner.

In a recent webinar of the 8th Annual Public Policy Conference (APPC) organized by the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners fellow Nathaniel von Einsiedel said LGUs lack investments in prevention and risk reduction.

Einsiedel said LGUs must abandon their reactive approach to managing disasters, which limit their response to post-disaster impacts. This means LGUs only prepare for repairing and rebuilding what has been damaged by disasters like typhoons.

“We do not find enough investments in planning tools among poorer LGUs. They do not even have enough permanent personnel to manage GIS [geographic information system] mapping functions. LGUs are at the forefront in their territories. Sadly, many of them do not have adequate personnel and equipment, making it very difficult [for them] to perform their functions,” Einsiedel said.

Einseidel said mainstreaming disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation in local development plans is a big part of building resilient people and cities.

He said governments must enable people to adopt productive and sustainable livelihoods that can survive and thrive even during difficult situations.

The urban planner also stressed that while policies are in place at the national level, various challenges impede their implementation at the LGU level.

“We must invest more in disaster prevention, risk reduction, and mitigation. We find that especially in poorer LGUs, there is a strong reactive post-disaster relief and rescue operation focus and not much on prevention and risk reduction,” he said.

Einsiedel also stressed that eradicating poverty and hunger are key to building resilient Philippine cities.  The country’s long-term local economic development plan, he said, must include situation-based recovery measures that could be implemented based on the circumstances and characteristics of a disaster.

In the same virtual forum, United Nations Development Programme in the Philippines Climate Action Team Leader Floradema Eleazar highlighted the role of analytical work and stakeholder consultation in building inclusive resilience.

She noted that understanding and recognizing the context of risks and their interconnected dimensions could enable capacities for resilience “that leaves no one behind.”

“It is important to have a good understanding of context-specific and area-based situations and develop specific approaches for certain localities,” she said. “Community-level initiatives, participation, and people-centered approaches are essential in addressing risks and achieving resilience.”

The APPC is the highlight of the yearly Development Policy Research Month celebration led by PIDS every September. This year’s theme is #CloseTheGap: Accelerate Post-pandemic Recovery through Social Justice.

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