The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has lined up several activities for the 120th Philippine Civil Service Anniversary including an online career fair for job seekers.

The Director of the CSC Western Pangasinan Field Office, Flordeliza Bugtong, explained that the third week of September is dubbed as the ‘Linggo ng Malasakit’ where job seekers can view employment opportunities from the various government line agencies and local government units (LGUs) and submit their applications online.

The Government Online Career Fair (GOCF) starts from 14-18 September using the portal. This is the first time that the career fair will be held online, so the commission is encouraging job seekers to avail of this opportunity for employment, especially for those who lost their jobs due to the pandemic, the Director said during the Kapihan forum of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA).

Even with the new normal celebration of the anniversary, activities have been successfully conducted like the regional amateur video contest, national online photography contest, and quiz for government employees.

During week one, the Commission kicked-off the celebration at the regional office with a virtual press conference in partnership with the PIA Regional Office 1 and launched online learning and development courses led by the Civil Service Institute (CSI).

Meanwhile, CSC Regional Director Hedy Jose Lardizabal reiterated the need for government employees to practice health protocols to ensure that they remain strong and healthy while balancing work performance.

Presidential Proclamation No. 1050, series of 1997 declares the month of September as the Civil Service Month. 5 (an act for the establishment and maintenance of an efficient and honest civil service in the Philippine Islands) on 19 September 1900.

Recently, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) concluded its online forum entitled Institutional Innovations and Reforms under the New Normal. The webinar was the second in a four-part series on this year’s Annual Public Policy Conference (APPC) conducted by the PIDS. It focused on the topic of innovating governance and building resilience against COVID-19 and other risks.

Also, the Department of Labour and Employment-National Capital Region (DOLE-NCR) has created online educational videos for the public, which they can watch on any internet-enabled device as the country experiences the prolonged impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As OpenGov Asia reported, despite the lockdown measures, limited physical contact, and travel restrictions due to the threat of COVID-19, the government must still make sure that the relevant labour education services are made accessible for free with the use of technology, the DOLE-NCR Regional Director, Sarah Buena S., Mirasol said.

As of September, DOLE-NCR has produced three new educational videos, explaining some of the most relevant DOLE topics, including:

- The impact of the one-month enhanced community quarantine on the six-month probationary period (DOLE Labor Advisory No. 14).
- Guidelines on the employment preservation upon the resumption of business operations (DOLE Labor Advisory No. 17).
- The definition of “Separation Pay” under the labour code of the Philippines.

The department hopes that the e-learning videos will be beneficial to all clients and stakeholders in regard to the implementation of the Labor and Employment Education Services (LEES) Program, which under normal circumstances would primarily rely physical or classroom-type lectures to target establishments and schools.

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