In a study authored by Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) vice president Rafaelita Aldaba, the country`s SMEs fare poorly in terms of access to credit, technology and skills compared with peers in other Asean member-states. This is despite the implementation of the Asean Strategic Action Plan for SME Development 2010-2015 (ASAPSD) and the Asean Policy Blueprint for SME Development 2004-2009 (APBSD). A perception survey was conducted to evaluate the impact of these plans. Four SMEs and one government-member of the SME Working Group were surveyed to evaluate the Philippine implementation. Both groups scored low in average effectiveness. Majority of the respondents said the APBSD had limited impact on facilitating SMEs` access to information, markets, human resource development and skills, finance, and technology. Likewise, the ASAPSD was perceived as having little concrete impact in terms of enhancing competitiveness and flexibility of SMEs in moving toward a single market and production base.

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