PN 2020-07: Bottlenecks to formalization
of small-scale mining in PH

by Sonny N. Domingo and Arvie Joy A. Manejar

This Policy Note assesses the efforts of the government to formalize small-scale mining economy. Using the insights from national government agencies, nongovernment organizations, and other stakeholders, it notes several issues hindering the formalization of this sector. Among these issues is the absence of monitoring and profiling mechanisms in the sector, resulting in the lack of basic information, such as the profile of workers. It also reveals that the current definition of small-scale mining is unfit with the current operations. There has also been some confusion as to the kind of clearances required by the government. To address these issues, this study recommends the holding of rigorous and comprehensive documentation of the small-scale mining subsector. It also urges the government to clarify the definition of the law, as well as mainstream the documentary requirements needed for government clearance, such as the free, prior, and informed consent and the environmental compliance certificate.

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