RPS 2017-01: An Assessment of the Community Mortgage Program Implementation Strategy
by Marife M. Ballesteros, Tatum P. Ramos, and Jasmine E. Magtibay

The Community Mortgage Program (CMP) is a financing scheme that enables organized residents of slums to borrow funds for land purchase and housing development. It is considered to be the most innovative and responsive government housing program in the Philippines. Nevertheless, the CMP still has weaknesses that have not been given much attention during the years of its implementation. Know more about the issues surrounding the CMP, such as those that pertain to program targeting, service delivery, and organization, and the current processes and overall performance of the CMP, including its variants—the localized CMP and the High-Density Housing Program. The study also provides recommendations on how the identified issues can be addressed. Click here to download the paper.


DRN 2017 Vol. XXXV No. 1: Women and Children with Disabilities Face Dire Conditions, Study Shows
by Research Information Staff

The first issue of the Development Research News (DRN) this 2017 primarily focuses on persons with disabilities (PWDs). Researchers from the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), through a research project conducted with the Institute of Developing Economies-Japan External Trade Organization, found that women and children PWDs are still suffering from the same dire conditions as before. The banner story deepens the discussion on this matter and presents the key recommendations that PIDS researchers are offering to improve the situation of the PWDs. This issue also covers the major events of PIDS during the period. These events include the PIDS forum on food security, where PIDS Senior Research Fellow Roehlano Briones attributed the increase of rice prices to the government's policy on self-sufficiency, and the roundtable discussion on the future of the ASEAN Community, which PIDS organized with the Singapore Institute of International Affairs. Click here to download the newsletter.

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