With the passing of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (Republic Act 10533), more popularly known as K-12 program, three years were added to basic education– kindergarten and two years of senior high school (SHS). Among its objectives is to equip learners with the skills that will better prepare them for employment or entrepreneurship.
This infographic provides a background of the SHS program, the profile of students and schools, the willingness of firms to hire them, and the types of jobs available to them. It also looks at some of the issues affecting the labor market outcomes of SHS graduates and provides recommendations that may improve the implementation of K-12 and the likelihood of achieving its employment and entrepreneurship objective.
This infographic is based on PIDS Discussion Paper Series No. 2018-49 titled “Senior High School and the Labor Market: Perspectives of Grade 12 Students and Human Resource Officers” written by Aniceto Orbeta Jr., Marites Lagarto, Ma. Kristina Ortiz, Danica Aisa Ortiz, and Maropsil Potestad. The authors are PIDS Senior research fellow, consultant, supervising research specialist, research specialist, and research analyst, respectively. This publication may be downloaded here: https://www.pids.gov.ph/publications/6762.