The PIDS study stressed that aligned to the approaches of regional and multilateral liberalization in services is a sustained process of domestic unilateral policy reforms and regulatory changes aimed at expansion and innovation of key services. Such strategy strengthens the sharing of information within the government bureaucracy and enhances coordination among the government, private sector and civil society in the provision of information for policymaking and drafting sub-sectoral roadmaps. It should also broaden public awareness by undertaking an information campaign on the General Agreement on Trade Services (GATS), Asean Economic Community (AEC), ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) and its opportunities for export of services as it relates to regional integration. The PIDS study also pointed out the importance of addressing internal policy coordination weaknesses and institutionalizing public-private sector mechanism to deliberate on services strategy. It cited the US model of industry trade services advisory committees (ITACs) inputting to the United States Trade Representative (USTR) as one possible framework. There are 30 ITACS with some for services sector.

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