Representatives from the World Bank visited the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) on June 15 to discuss the results of a recent World Bank report on the Philippine labor market. PIDS President Gilberto Llanto and Senior Fellow and Labor Policy Expert Aniceto Orbeta received Jan Rutkowsi, Lead Economist for Human Development Economics, Europe and Central Asia Region at the World Bank, and Ms. Rosechin Olfindo, World Bank Consultant and Research Fellow at the Asian Institute of Management. They discussed the findings and policy implications of the new report titled Employment and Poverty . With a new administration coming in, the World Bank representatives sought to contextualize the study’s conclusions. Rutkowski's insights, which appear in the Philippine Social Protection Note by the World Bank, underscores in-work poverty as a critical challenge for labor policy in the Philippines. The two root causes, he pointed out, are low education in the vulnerable sector and the scarcity of jobs. Providing necessary education and skills training, and nurturing the growth of jobs must be the focus of policymakers. ###
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