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Showing 3,016-3,030 of 3,031 items.
Jun 01, 1981
WP 1981-03
While taxation is by far the most well researched area on public finance, there has been a dearth of studies conducted in the government expenditure, ..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1981
WP 1981-02
Studies on the mineral industry, specifically on metallic minerals, have dealt with the generation of geologic information, considered a vital input i..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1981
WP 1981-01
Central to this study is the question of how benefits and costs from using a potentially renewable resource such as forests could be optimized for Phi..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1981
JPD 1981 Vol. VIII Nos. 1&2-f
Revenue, which is essentially obtained through the tax system, is an essential component of development to effectively meet the increasing demand for ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1981
JPD 1981 Vol. VIII Nos. 1&2-e
Literacy is one of the core indicators utilized to measure social development. It is necessary that planners and policymakers be aided in their evalua..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1981
JPD 1981 Vol. VIII Nos. 1&2-d
This paper examines the methodology for computing the export price index used by the National Census and Statistics Office, evaluates this methodology..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1981
JPD 1981 Vol. VIII Nos. 1&2-c
This paper estimates empirical demand functions for premium gasoline. Specifically, it determines the effectiveness of policies designed to conserve g..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1981
JPD 1981 Vol. VIII Nos. 1&2-b
The Philippines does not have a comparative advantage in the domestic production of fertilizer. This is one of the thoughts conveyed by the article as..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1981
JPD 1981 Vol. VIII Nos. 1&2-a
This article assesses the impact of the ongoing tariff reform on effective protection rate (EPR) in the manufacturing sector given that the scheduled ..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1980
WP 1981-13
The purpose of this paper is to review and evaluate the existing works on tax revenue forecasting in the Philippines. The review is intended to provid..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1980
WP 1980-03
The content of this research paper has never been more timely since it comes at a time when concern has been expressed in the Philippines for a full i..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1980
PIDS Book 1980-01
One of the very first research activities, which PIDS has initiated when it began operations in mid-1978, is the conduct of surveys of past research o..
Jun 01, 1979
WP 1979-04
Starting from early 1960s to late 1970s, this study conducts a survey of the literature dealing with Philippine monetary policy and related aspects of..
Working Papers
Jun 01, 1979
WP 1979-02
While this paper tries to review the various macro econometric models that have not yet been developed for the Philippines after 1965, it makes no att..
Working Papers

Showing 3,016-3,030 of 3,031 items.
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