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Showing 1,201-1,215 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 2011
PN 2011-03
One of the inaugural commitments made by the Philippines` new administration is the provision of quality and affordable health care for each and every..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2011
PN 2011-02
What brings about the deepening poverty in urban slums? How does it compare with the rural poverty incidence? And why is it urgent that the urban pove..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2011
PN 2011-01
How significant is research and development (R&D) in the Philippines` overall economic development? What drives firms to locate (or not locate) their ..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 2011
Government think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) strengthens its contribution to policy deliberations by releasing its first ..
Economic Policy Monitor
Jun 01, 2011
PIDS Book 2011-01
Globalization highlights the need for public sector reform, good governance, and state capacity building. Thus, this volume highlights the key develop..
Jun 01, 2011
EID 2011 Vol. XI No.1
Labor force statistics is one of the key tools used by decisionmakers to gauge how well (or worse) the economy is doing. Thus, an understanding of the..
Economic Issue of the Day
Jun 01, 2011
DRN 2011 Vol. XXIX No. 3
Water is one of the basic necessities in life, along with food and shelter. It must be clean, safe, and adequate. However, the number of people living..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 2011
DRN 2011 Vol. XXIX No. 2
The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS), being true to its mandate of conducting policy research in aid of planning and policymaking, ..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 2011
DRN 2011 Vol. XXIX No. 1
With a new government in place and amid all the developments that have taken place in the past two years and that are happening at the moment, what pr..
Development Research News
Jun 01, 2011
DP 2011-20
The 2011 and 2012 fiscal program appears to score high in terms of contributing to the speed of fiscal consolidation despite limited gains in revenue ..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2011
DP 2011-19
Aggregate labor productivity (ALP) growth--i.e., growth of output per unit of labor--may be decomposed into additive contributions due to within-secto..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2011
DP 2011-18
Outward migration data from the Philippines exhibit spatial clustering. This is likely due to information spillover effects--fellow migrants share inf..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2011
DP 2011-17
The performance of the Philippine automotive industry has steadily improved after the Asian crisis. However, relative to the performance of the automo..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2011
DP 2011-16
The Philippines has made a major push toward development of biofuel, enacting biofuels mandates and subsidies by the Biofuels Law. To maintain food se..
Discussion Papers
Jun 01, 2011
DP 2011-15
In this paper, results of the 2009 Survey of Innovation Activities are described and discussed. The term innovation, traditionally associated with res..
Discussion Papers

Showing 1,201-1,215 of 2,993 items.
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