Philippines - Matches
Showing 136-150 of 1,240 items.

Since the late 1990s, the internet has developed as a major force in transforming how companies do their business, which led to the rapid expansion of..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines has been experiencing unprecedented economic growth in recent years. This has fueled greater consumption among households and greater ..
Discussion Papers

The Philippine Expanded Program for Immunization (EPI) has focused primarily on immunization coverage as their metric for performance. However, an equ..
Discussion Papers

Local farmers in Mindanao need to adopt new technologies in agriculture, particularly in rice farming, to increase productivity.This is according to S..
Press Releases

State think tank Philippine Institute for Development and the University of the Philippines, through the UP Law Center signed a memorandum of understa..
Photos - Corporate Events

This study examines the effects of weather variability on food poverty dynamics in the Philippines. Among others, it finds that chronic food poverty i..
Philippine Journal of Development

The Philippines has recently introduced two distinct but related large-scale social protection programs that, first, provide conditional cash transfer..
Philippine Journal of Development

Fertilizer, an important production input, accounts for a significant share of the total production cost of some crops. However, data on fertilizer’..
Philippine Journal of Development

Based on the 2015 Census of Population and Housing, there were 7.5 million senior citizens, or persons aged 60 and above, in the Philippines. The Unit..
Discussion Papers

National irrigation systems (NIS) are crucial to the Philippine agriculture sector. Currently, they account to about half of the area that supply rice..
Policy Notes

This paper presents how the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has evolved as an institution, the changes it has undergone, and the challenges i..
Discussion Papers

This Policy Note revisits the legal framework on Philippine mining, focusing on the Philippine Mining Act (PMA) of 1995 and the Indigenous People’s ..
Policy Notes

This study assesses the implementation of selected agribusiness venture arrangements (AVAs) and identifies the prerequisites needed to ensure that the..
Research Paper Series

Men and women play important and complementary roles in the economy. However, the activities that they perform are often valued differently, if at all..
Discussion Papers

Current global trends show that boys have consistently underperformed in the academic front, an observation that can be noted in the Philippines as we..
Discussion Papers
Showing 136-150 of 1,240 items.