Quality - Matches
Showing 76-90 of 122 items.
The global goal to attain gender equality, including ending all forms of discrimination against women and girls, and ensuring their safety, is central..
Discussion Papers
This paper contributes to the scant body of literature on inequalities among and within ethnic groups
in the Philippines by examining both the vertica..
Discussion Papers
This issue of the Development Research News deepens the discussion on federalism, a hot topic in the Philippines today. During the 15th Development Po..
Development Research News
Achieving gender equality is part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. United Nations membe..
Policy Notes
The government should adopt measures that will ensure higher level of women participation in governance and in the workplace, the state think tank Phi..
In the News
The majority of local government units (LGUs) will “become dynastic” by 2040 if the lack of competition in Philippine politics persist, ac..
In the News
New research suggests women are disadvantaged, but experts say this doesn’t stop those who want to workTraditional gender roles are hindering wo..
In the News
Despite being listed by the World Economic Forum as the best performer in gender outcomes among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations member-stat..
In the News
Despite being listed by the World Economic Forum as the best performer in gender outcomes among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) mem..
In the News
Despite being listed by the World Economic Forum as the best performer in gender outcomes among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) mem..
Press Releases
According to the World Economic Forum, the Philippines has been leading the economies of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in advancing gende..
Policy Notes
INSTITUTIONS preparing for quality assurance (QA) visits for a degree program or institution-wide, could undergo a stressful search for exhibits to ac..
In the News
It is more effective to monitor poverty and inequality by looking into the conditions of target social groups instead of specific individuals, accordi..
Press Releases
This fifth issue of the PIDS Economic Policy Monitor (EPM) highlights the importance of regulatory coherence and quality to realize rapid, sustainable..
Economic Policy Monitor
Political dynasties result when a family retains at least one elective position over successive election cycles, and/or when a family expands its numb..
Policy Notes
Showing 76-90 of 122 items.