Manasan, Rosario G. - Matches
Showing 121-135 of 144 items.
This paper aims to provide country inputs to the joint study on ASEAN-US Relations whose main objective is to identify policy reforms and actions prod..
Working Papers
How much support is the Philippine government giving to its export sector by means of its financing schemes? Are the small and indirect exporters give..
Working Papers
From the administrative and policy perspective, determination of magnitude of tax evasion and an analysis of tax evasion levels are imperative so that..
Philippine Journal of Development
Demand for Electricity in the Philippines: Implications for Alternative Electricity Pricing Policies
This study estimates the demand elasticities of Philippine electricity focusing on the Manila Electric Company franchise area. The features of ..
The manner by which the government has chosen to finance the fiscal deficit in the given period and the economic consequences of financing of governme..
Working Papers
This paper provides a broad historical perspective against which to assess the 1989 program of government expenditures. Specifically, it reviews and q..
Working Papers
Given the need to review the investment incentives of the ASEAN countries, this paper quantifies the impact of the investment incentives on the profit..
Working Papers
In the continuing commitment of PIDS to research, this DRN issue features three research summaries on foreign trade barriers, public sector deficit an..
Development Research News
This study analyzes the effect of the interaction between domestic indirect taxes and tariff system to the market of particular goods. Computation of ..
Philippine Journal of Development
This paper provides an overview of the macroeconomic role and impact of Philippine public enterprises. In particular, it deals with its economic contr..
Philippine Journal of Development
The last decade has witnessed a very active government expenditure program in the Philippines. Although the country’s national government expenditur..
Working Papers
Utilizing tax buoyancy and tax elasticity, this study evaluates the performance of the Philippine tax system from the perspective of tax mobili..
Staff Papers
The host of incentives offered by the two most recent regulations on the rate of return is substantial. The relative impact of either legislati..
Staff Papers
Geared to address the contribution of the sector to the general economy, the paper first assesses the deficit of the public enterprise sector a..
Staff Papers
Domestic tax system restructuring is viewed by many sectors as an important complement to the tariff reform programs. In this light, the study analyze..
Staff Papers
Showing 121-135 of 144 items.