Paqueo, Vicente B. - Matches
Showing 1-15 of 24 items.

Thirty-two years ago, the First Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM I) established a trifocalized Philippine Educational and Training System ..
Discussion Papers

Written for the Second Congressional Commission on Education and based on existing research, this Policy Note emphasizes the critical need for ef..
Policy Notes

While the Philippine education system is in the middle of profound changes with the passage of Republic Act 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education Act ..
Discussion Papers

Evaluation of the Sustainable Livelihood Program’s Seed Capital Fund for Microenterprise Development
This study uses a matching design to evaluate the impacts of microenterprise assistance provided by the Department of Social Welfare and Development&r..
Research Paper Series

This study examines the fiscal implications of the current criteria of establishing the fiscal viability of local governments in the Philippines. Sinc..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines has recently introduced two distinct but related large-scale social protection programs that, first, provide conditional cash transfer..
Philippine Journal of Development

The paper argues that the Philippines needs a more nuanced view of gender equality. Historically, Filipino males were somewhat more educated than fema..
Discussion Papers

New, innovative, and emerging technologies are being used more than ever across homes, factories, farms, cities, and nations. These are disrupting tra..
Policy Notes

Technological breakthroughs and the interplay of a number of fields, including advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, neurotechno..
Discussion Papers

From Evidence to Policy: Celebrating 40 Years of Policy Research is a volume intended for a wide audience with the intent to highlight the role of res..

It is a common belief that government should set legal minimum wages (LMW) to a level that would
enable workers and their families to live decent live..
Discussion Papers

The Philippines recently introduced two distinct but related large-scale social protection programs that, first, provides conditional cash transfers (..
Discussion Papers

This is a book on the law of unintended consequences dedicated to students, thinkers, dreamers, or the ordinary pilosopo who are encouraged to discove..

The proposed policy to provide free tuition for students enrolled in state universities and colleges (SUCs) looks appealing. The question, however, is..
Policy Notes

In the aftermath of the 2016 election, labor leaders and their political allies pushed for an immediate end to the so-called employment “contractual..
Discussion Papers
Showing 1-15 of 24 items.