Joint programming, also known as convergence, in social protection and economic inclusion interventions has emerged as a critical strategy for addressing persistent poverty in the Philippines. Despite the government's ambitious goal of reducing poverty from 18.1 percent in 2021 to 9 percent by 2028, significant challenges remain in coordinating and integrating social protection efforts. This study examines the implementation of joint programming across the laws, policies, and programs that target Filipinos living in poverty.
Using a qualitative data-focused approach, the research assesses the current state of joint programming, identifies key stakeholders, evaluates implementation challenges, and analyzes the effectiveness of existing coordination mechanisms. Through document analysis, key informant interviews with government officials and field staff, and focus group discussions with program beneficiaries, this study aims to provide actionable recommendations for enhancing joint programming efforts. The findings are expected to contribute to refining social protection and economic inclusion strategies in the Philippines, ultimately supporting the government's poverty reduction goals and improving the lives of vulnerable populations.
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