In line with the International Day of Women and National Women’s Month celebration this year, the Philippine Institute for Development Studies will hold a public seminar to disseminate its research outputs on gender and development to concerned stakeholders. This year’s seminar will revolve around the theme "Engendering Work and Human Capital: Promoting Opportunities and Understanding Tradeoffs through a Gender Lens". Papers to be presented are about men and women in education and market and non-market work.
The public seminar is set on March 13, 2019, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM, at the PIDS Conference Hall, 18F Three Cyberpod Centris - North Tower, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.
For inquiries, please call Ms. Mia Vinuya at 877-4032 or Ms. Gwen de la Cruz at 877-4019, or you may email them at mvinuya@mail.pids.gov.ph or ndelacruz@mail.pids.gov.ph, respectively.
Morning Session
The Wage Gap between Male and Female Agricultural Workers: Analysis and Implications for Gender and Development Policy of Presentation by Dr. Roehlano Briones, Senior Research Fellow, PIDS
Counting Women's Work in the Philippines by Dr. Michael Abrigo, Senior Research Fellow, PIDS
Examining the Low Market Participation Rate of Women in the Philippines: Is housework the missing link? by Dr. Connie B. Dacuycuy, Senior Research Fellow, PIDS
Afternoon Session
Onward and Upward, They Go? A Look into the Effects of Parental Human Capital on Sons' and Daughters' Schooling Outcomes by Dr. Lawrence B. Dacuycuy, Professor, De La Salle University
Gender Equity in Education: Helping the Boys Catch Up by Dr. Vicente Paqueo, Visiting Research Fellow, PIDS