The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on July 28, 2022, from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM via Zoom.
This virtual event will feature the PIDS study “Policy, Institutional, and Expenditure Review of Bottom-up Approach Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” authored by PIDS Senior Research Fellow Sonny Domingo and Research Specialist Arvie Joy Manejar.
The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) Act of 2010 has created complementary legislation and functional policies, bureaucratic and institutional augmentations, and directed government budgeting and spending for DRRM. Key thematic mandates were given to national government agencies, while the bulk of DRRM-related policy implementation, institutional grounding, and resource allocation were devolved to local government units, granting them fiscal and administrative authority. While the law provided opportunities for participatory bottom-up approaches, gaps existed on structured reporting and appraisal of DRRM budget and spending, and bottom-up participation. This study looked into the status and trends of public investment and policy initiatives, and bottom-up and participatory mechanisms using qualitative and quantitative data. It provided evidence and established narratives on how policy, institutional structures, and public investment contributed to LGU functioning and community preparedness and participation. The paper found that there were suboptimal allocations despite the abundance of fiscal resource in both national and subnational governments regardless of location and income levels. The low utilization rates were largely attributed to unclear issuances from oversight agencies or spending preferences of local administrations. As the predominant arrangement across DRRM landscape was still top-down, communities have much to lose due to their weak visibility in participatory governance and nearly invisible decision-making powers in the formulation of plans and approval of programs. To address these gaps, institutions need to strengthen their enabling mechanisms for representation and stakeholder participation, expenditures should explicitly support more community-led initiatives and proposals, and monitoring and evaluation strategies should be able to accurately capture and track DRRM funds and goods and services across agencies, fund sources, and varying enabling conditions.
A copy of the study may be downloaded from this link: https://www.pids.gov.ph/publication/discussion-papers/policy-institutional-and-expenditure-review-of-bottom-up-approach-disaster-risk-reduction-and-management.
Register via: https://bit.ly/pidswebinarjuly28. The meeting link will be automatically sent to the registered email address.
Examining the Philippines’ Public Investment and Bottom-up Approach to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management presented by Dr. Sonny Domingo, Senior Research Fellow, Philippine Institute for Development Studies and Ms. Arvie Joy Manejar, Research Specialist, Philippine Institute for Development Studies
Reaction of Dr. Ma. Pamela Quizon, Acting Deputy Executive Director, Bureau of Local Government Finance, Department of Finance
Reaction of Mr. Benito Salvado Jr., Acting Chief, DRRM Fund Management Division, Rehabilitation and Recovery Management Service, Office of Civil Defense
The recording of this webinar may be viewed at https://fb.watch/ey26QyKDnH/.