The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) will hold a public webinar on May 16, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, via Zoom.
The webinar will feature the PIDS study "Analysis of the National Health Expenditure Survey Round 1 and Design of Survey Protocol for NHES Round 2 (Phase 1)". The study aims to improve the National Health Expenditure Survey (NHES) conducted by the Department of Health (DOH) as a tool for understanding healthcare use and spending in the Philippines, ultimately supporting the country’s progress towards Universal Health Care (UHC). This webinar will focus on the first two parts of this study, using data from the 2018 NHES to explore how Filipinos utilize healthcare services and the financial burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).
The first part titled, “Trends in Healthcare Service Use among Filipinos with Usual Care Providers”, is authored by PIDS Consultant Ida Marie T. Pantig and PIDS Senior Research Fellow Valerie Gilbert T. Ulep. It explores the factors influencing usual care provision and how it impacts healthcare utilization across outpatient care, hospital admissions, and emergency room visits, especially in the context of the UHC law in the Philippines.
The second part of the study, “Determinants of Household Out-of-Pocket Expenditure on Noncommunicable Diseases”, is also authored by Dr. Ulep together with PIDS Consultant Lovely Ann C. Tolin. It focuses on the financial burden of NCDs, and highlights the dual impact of NCDs on the health and economic well-being of Filipinos. Exploring factors affecting out-of-pocket health expenditure on NCDs, the authors suggest that improved insurance coverage and more accessible healthcare services could help alleviate the burden of healthcare costs related to NCDs.
To register, go to https://bit.ly/pidseventmay16. You may also tune in to the PIDS and SERP-P Facebook pages for the livestream.
Presentation of Ms. Ida Marie Pantig, PIDS Consultant
Presentation of Ms. Lovely Ann Tolin, PIDS Consultant
Presentation of Dr. Alehandro Herrin, University of San Carlos - Office of Population Studies Visiting Research Fellow
Presentation of Dr. Renato Limsiaco, Jr., Philippine Health Insurance Corporation - Fund Management Sector Senior Vice President