The Embassy of Sri Lanka in Manila initiated a virtual exploratory dialogue between the Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (IPS) and the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) on 14th December 2020 to undertake joint research in contributing to new policy initiatives in areas of mutual interest for both countries. Dr. Celia Reyes, President of PIDS, provided an overview of the institution’s systematic and comprehensive research initiatives in aid of government policymaking particularly on migration policy development, social protection, social network analysis, as well as microenterprise development.

On the other hand, Dr. Dushni Weerakoon, Executive Director of IPS, identified migration as an area of utmost interest for Sri Lanka, which the Philippines, as another labour-exporting country, is also working on to create policies and programs to address related issues such as employment, welfare, etc.

Both parties expressed their interest to explore opportunities for mutually-beneficial collaboration such as sharing of best practices and strategies, joint research studies, etc.

Ambassador Shobini Gunasekera expressed her support to both organizations’ interest to collaborate in areas of mutual interests such as migrant labour, climate change, disaster mitigation, poverty eradication, education, prohibited drugs, and prison reform. She also emphasized the need of a dialogue to discuss issues relating to the immediate concerns of migrant labour such as non-payment of wages, loss of employment, shelter, etc.

IPS is the apex economic policy research institute in Sri Lanka and a regional center of excellence conducting high-quality, independent, policy relevant research encompassing various economic, political, and social areas. Meanwhile, PIDS serves as the Philippine government’s primary socioeconomic policy think-tank and has been engaged in the conduct of policy- studies to assist policymakers in crafting development policies, plans, and programs.

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