Hello, PIDS friends! Here's our #PIDSFactFriday for the week on disaster risk resilience of local governments in the Philippines. A PIDS study that looked at the disaster risk resilience of provincial governments in the Philippines found that disaster risk reduction and management inputs at the provincial and subprovincial levels greatly contribute to improving socioeconomic capacity and decreasing asset risk. However, estimates using the Data Envelopment Analysis model show that provincial governments outperform municipal governments in terms of aggregate efficiency although it is important to consider that the setting at the municipal level is more complex than in the province. The study recommends strengthening the link between provincial and municipal governments in disaster preparedness compliance for better alignment and harmonization of plans. Know more about the study titled “Looking at Local Government Resilience through Network Data Envelopment Analysis” here: https://www.pids.gov.ph/publications/7073 https://www.facebook.com/PIDS.PH/photos/a.473806039311709/4835629493129320
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