The country’s intellectual property office will work with government think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) on intellectual property research projects and policy analyses.

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL) said in a press release on Friday that it signed a memorandum of understanding with PIDS to share information and resources to cooperate on research, capacity building, and policy recommendations.

The initial stage of the partnership involves PIDS’ assistance in IPOPHL’s online research congress event and in an intellectual property publication to be released in partnership with De La Salle University. PIDS will have advisory members in the publication’s editorial board.

The memorandum was signed by IPOPHL Director General Rowel S. Barba and PIDS President Celia M. Reyes in an online event on June 30.

Mr. Barba said the partnership will boost Philippine intellectual property amid a need for solutions for the health crisis.

“Creating a vibrant scene for IP research will fulfill our broader goals of raising IP awareness and formulating policies that capture the current and long-term needs of businesses, innovators, and creative industries,” he said.

“With the government think tank now as our partner, we hope to generate more studies to promote greater use of the IP system which can help the country achieve its economic, scientific, cultural, and sustainable development goals.”

Ms. Reyes in turn said that the parties will combine resources and pool their experts for research.

“We hope we can jointly organize policy dialogues to further discussions on IP and innovation. In addition, PIDS has a wide network of research partners who can be tapped to further the objectives of our partnership,” she said.

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