In celebration of its 40th anniversary, state think tank Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) looked back on its struggles and achievements that paved the way for its current success and recognition as one of the top think tanks in the world.

Its new book titled From Evidence to Policy: Celebrating 40 Years of Policy Research compiles essays showing the rich history of the Institute. Written by its veterans, each essay takes the readers on a trip down memory lane as it narrates the beginnings, challenges, and lessons of the Institute and its personnel.
Specifically, the 11-chapter book aims to highlight the role of research in evidence-based policymaking process by providing anecdotes and fun facts about the Institute — from the moment it was founded in 1977 to the time it started its operations and first major projects—as well as analyses of its major contributions to policymaking in the country. It also contains reflections of authors on their experiences working at PIDS and their struggles as a policy researcher.
Among the authors were PIDS founding father Gerardo P. Sicat, former PIDS presidents Filologo L. Pante Jr., Ponciano S. Intal Jr., Mario B. Lamberte, and Josef T. Yap, first research fellows Rosario G. Manasan and Erlinda M. Medalla, first research information director Jennifer P.T. Liguton, and retired senior research fellow Danilo C. Israel. The book was edited by Gilberto M. Llanto, Vicente B. Paqueo, and Aniceto C. Orbeta Jr., former PIDS president, distinguished visiting research fellow, and senior research fellow, respectively.
In writing the book, Llanto recognized the contributions of the Institute’s most important asset—its human resource—saying that there is “a need to underscore the importance and contribution of PIDS to the country’s policy process through the experiences of the men and women who silently toiled to produce policy studies for the benefit of policymakers”.
By sharing their decades of experience, the authors hope to inspire young people to explore a career in policy research, as well as future PIDS policy researchers to “take up the gauntlet and do battle with ill-conceived policy ideas or proposals through evidence-based studies that will recommend salutary policies”.
The book also gives a glimpse of life at PIDS as authors provide suggestions aimed at improving the day-to-day lives of its employees in the aspects of leadership, staff recruitment, research plantilla, research budget, and internal operations.

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