The Regional Research Development and Innovation Committee 1 (RRDIC 1) of the Regional Development Council 1 (RDC 1) in partnership with the National Economic and Development Authority Regional Office 1 (NEDA RO1) tapped the expertise of Dr. Sheila V. Siar, the Director for Research Information of the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) for a two-day training on writing effective policy briefs. The training-workshop conducted on December 14-15, 2020 aimed to strengthen evidence-based decision-making through the production of policy briefs as guide for policy-makers and planners.

Dr. Siar primed the participants on the basics of writing effective policy briefs. Her discussion included topics on the basic structure and characteristics of a good policy brief, and the importance of policy brief as a communication tool. She also provided tips and techniques in writing clear and concise policy briefs, and guided the participants on how to prepare the document based on results of a study.

A total of 35 participants from agency secretariats of RDC 1 committees including NEDA RO1 staff, and researchers in the region attended the activity via zoom. As an output of the workshop, participants prepared policy briefs based on their completed researches or agency reports. Dr. Siar critiqued the outputs and provided comments for the enhancement of the prepared policy briefs.

Dir. Armando Q. Ganal of the Department of Science and Technology Region 1 (DOST 1), chairperson of the RRDIC and Dir. Nestor G. Rillon of NEDA RO1 in their messages challenged the participants to apply their learnings in the activity to forward the development agenda of the region.

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