Date Published:
Jun 01, 1983
Focus Area(s):
WP 1983-08

What are the effects of government policies, such as export tax, production levy and marketing regulation, on the Philippine coconut industry? The answer to this question is made central to this research paper.


This publication has been cited 7 times

In other Publications
  1. Boyce, James K.. 1992. Of coconuts and kings: the political economy of an export crop. Development and Change, 23, No. 4, 1-25 . International Institute of Social Studies.
  2. David, Cristina. 1997. Agricultural policy and the WTO agreement: The Philippine case. Discussion Papers DP 1997-13. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
  3. David, Cristina C.. 1998. Towards an efficient path to food security: The Philippine case. Discussion Papers DP 1998-39. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
  4. Manasan, Rosario. 2000. Public sector governance and the Medium-term National Action Agenda for Productivity (MNAAP). Discussion Papers DP 2000-24. Philippine Institute for Development Studies.
  5. Roumasset, James. 2008. The political economy of corruption: a Philippine illustrationa. Working Papers 200805. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics.
  6. Roumasset, James. 1997. The political economy of corruption. Working Papers 199710-R. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics.
  7. Roumasset, James A.. 2002. The microeconomics of agricultural development in the Philippines. Working Papers 200210. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Department of Economics.

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