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Showing 2,041-2,055 of 2,993 items.
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-14
Given the importance of fishing as an income and employment-generating activity in the coastal areas of the Philippines, its revival as a key sector i..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-13
With the delivery of most basic social services now devolved in the hands of local government units, has the process of budgeting followed suit? How f..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-11
What is the basic water requirement per month of a Philippine household consisting of six members? This study provides an estimate based on various ho..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-10
How have our trade and industrial policies affected the environment? Have they led to increased environmental degradation? Citing empirical support, t..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-09
A liberalized and deregulated financial market environment as well as good governance are better ingredients than government-subsidized and directed c..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-08
Utilizing macro and micro data, this issue verifies the validity of the claim that there has been a credit crunch since the onset of Asian financial c..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-07
Observing the underutilization of ports and the inadequacy of coastal communities, this issue suggests specific measures to address these concerns. Th..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-06
Alongside with the poverty alleviation program is the effort to make credit accessible to small and poor households. Despite the government’s effort..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-05
Analysis of the Philippine Fisheries Code results to the findings that some provisions promote sustainable development while others are contentious. T..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-04
With the demand for urban services and facilities, in particular urban infrastructure, continuing to increase through the years, how can the governmen..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-03
Investigation whether small-scale borrowings are effective or not indicate the failure of loan guarantees to stimulate the target groups. While it has..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-02
While urbanization has several advantages, there are also certain problems associated with it. This issue takes a brief look at the urban fiscal gap p..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
PN 1999-01
Decentralization of national responsibilities to local government units has been seen as a means to ensure that services reach out the grassroots leve..
Policy Notes
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No.2-d
Governance is a complex concept. It includes the state’s institutions and structures, its decisionmaking process, its capacity to implement guid..
Philippine Journal of Development
Jun 01, 1999
JPD 1999 Vol. XXVI No.2-c
This paper looks at the contagion effects of the Asian crisis on the Philippine economy, the policy responses, and their social implications. In parti..
Philippine Journal of Development

Showing 2,041-2,055 of 2,993 items.
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