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Showing 331-345 of 3,001 items.
Dec 30, 2020
DP 2020-48
Philippine local governments were given increased autonomy, revenue-raising and expenditure responsibilities under the Local Government Code of 1991 (..
Discussion Papers
Dec 30, 2020
DP 2020-47
The rise of digital platforms necessarily entails the processing of personal data between platforms and their users. More than enabling the delivery o..
Discussion Papers
Dec 30, 2020
DP 2020-46
In January 2020, the Philippines joined the World Trade Organization Joint Statement Initiative on E-commerce which seeks to develop a multilateral ag..
Discussion Papers
Dec 29, 2020
DRN 2020 Vol. 38 No. 4
The last issue of the Development Research News (DRN) this 2020 features articles from presentations during the 6th Development Policy Research Month,..
Development Research News
Dec 29, 2020
DP 2020-45
This paper identifies certain policy issues in the current regulatory infrastructure of the Philippines, which may prevent digital platforms from inno..
Discussion Papers
Dec 29, 2020
DP 2020-44
Policymakers and donors have long viewed credit programs as salient means to develop the agriculture sector, especially the small-farm agriculture. Cr..
Discussion Papers
Dec 29, 2020
DP 2020-43
Tariffication of quantitative restrictions on rice imports was a key policy reform of the Duterte administration. This study reviews recent trends in ..
Discussion Papers
Dec 29, 2020
DP 2020-42
Much progress has been made in pursuing liberalization of agricultural trade in the Philippines. However, some significant tariff and non-tariff barri..
Discussion Papers
Dec 28, 2020
DP 2020-41
This study develops and applies a method for estimating loan demand from small farmers and small fishers (SFF) in the Philippines, and projects this d..
Discussion Papers
Dec 28, 2020
DP 2020-40
Continuing from the Institute’s 2018 study on the SHS and the labor market which interviewed graduating SHS students and HR managers of firms about ..
Discussion Papers
Dec 28, 2020
DP 2020-39
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have become the major cause of disease burden in the Philippines. In 2019, NCDs accounted for about 70 percent of the ..
Discussion Papers
Dec 28, 2020
DP 2020-38
Cognizant of the value and contribution, as well as of the challenges in the agricultural finance, the government has intensified its lending programs..
Discussion Papers
Dec 24, 2020
DP 2020-37
In November 2015, the ASEAN Community composed of three (3) pillars: the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC), an..
Discussion Papers
Dec 24, 2020
DP 2020-36
This study evaluates the impact of Microenterprise Development (MD) assistance on the labor supply, income, expenditure, savings, and capital investme..
Discussion Papers
Dec 22, 2020
DP 2020-35
The Philippines has been badly affected by the coronavirus disease pandemic. In this light, the analysis of the 2021 President’s Budget determines h..
Discussion Papers

Showing 331-345 of 3,001 items.
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